爆漿起司馬鈴薯球 | Mashed Potato Bacon Cheese Bombs

1. 馬鈴薯 - 3顆
2. 培根 - 適量
3. 麵包粉 - 適量
4. 乳酪切塊 - 適量
5. 雞蛋 - 1顆

1. 鹽 - 適量
2. 黑胡椒 - 適量

1. 馬鈴薯壓成泥,加入適量鹽和黑胡椒調味
2. 抓一小坨薯泥平鋪在手掌,放上一小塊乳酪,再放上一小坨薯泥,捏成球狀
3. 薯泥球先裹上蛋浆,再裹上面包粉。同样的步骤至少重复2次。也就是蛋浆→麵包
4. 薯球裹上培根,插上竹签固定防止油炸的时候脱落
5. 准备油锅,待油滚后,把薯泥球放入锅中,炸3分钟(视薯球大小而定
6. 薯球呈现金黄色就完成了!

1. 美国马铃薯味道细腻,质感浓稠,很适合做薯泥
2. 要是希望薯球的外皮较厚,步骤3可以重复几次,如果买到的马铃薯质感较软,水
3. 喜欢吃培根可以用培根包覆整个薯球,由于培根味道较咸,薯泥的调味可以淡一

1. Potato - 3
2. Bacon
3. Bread crumbs
4. Mozzarella cheese
5. Egg - 1

1. Salt - to taste
2. Black pepper - to taste

1. Cover the potatoes with water and put the lid on the pot, bring it to a boil. Stick a
fork into a potato and it goes in easily, the potatoes are done. Seasoned with salt
and pepper.
2. Grab a small scoop of the mash potatoes, stuff a small chunk of mozzarella
cheese, and gently form it to a ball.
3. Dip potato ball in egg mixture, then coat breadcrumb. Repeat for 1 more time.
4. Wrap with once slice of bacon strips and secure it with a toothpick.
5. Fry them until evenly golden brown. About 3 minutes (depends on the size).

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