檸檬蒜油雞 |Lemon Garlic Chicken

1. Chicken Drumstick - 2
2. Garlic - 1
4. Cucumber -1

1. Lemon - 1
2. Olive oil - 2tbsp
3. Salt
4. Honey

1. Cut cucumber into pieces, peel garlic.
2. Remove chicken bone, cut into pieces.
3. Marinate with salt and lemon juice for 1 hour.
4. Fry chicken wings in hot oil, turning regularly, until all browned on all sides. About 10 minutes.
5. Minced garlic with a dash of salt, oil, mix well. Repeat step until the mixture is thick enough. Add a squirt of lemon and little bit of honey before serve.

1. 雞腿肉 -2隻
2. 蒜頭 - 1個
3. 青瓜 - 1條

1. 檸檬 -1顆
2. 橄欖油 -2湯匙
3. 鹽 -適量
4. 蜜糖 -適量

1. 青瓜切塊,蒜頭去皮
2. 雞肉去骨切塊
3. 用少許鹽巴和檸檬汁醃製1小時
4. 雞肉煎大約10分鐘至金黃
5. 蒜頭放入磨盅,加入少許鹽巴和橄欖油不斷磨,重複步驟直到呈現奶油的狀態,最後擠上少許檸檬至和少許蜜糖攪拌即可

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