Chinese Xiao Long Bao | 簡易版小籠包

1. Ground pork - 250g
2. Chicken stock - 100ml
3. Chicken Wing - 1
4. Dumpling wrappers

1. Ginger and scallion sauce - 25ml(blend with 25ml water and strain out ginger and scallion)
2. Sugar - 1/2 tbsp
3. Sesame oil - 1tbsp
4. Pepper - 1 tsp
5. Salt - 1 tsp

1. Fried chicken wing, add to chicken stock and bring to boil, cool down and set aside.
2. Remove chicken wing, pour chicken soup into a container. Refrigerator until set about2 hours.
3. In a separate bowl, combine ground pork and seasoning and mix well with hands.
4. Take chicken soup from refrigerator, add to the meat mixture, mix well.
5. Roll dumpling wrappers into a thin layer.
6. Put a small spoonful of meat mixture into the center of dumpling wrapper. Wrap ittightly.
7. Put a sheet of parchment paper on a heat proof plate and place inside frying pan.
8. Steam until cooked through, about 10 minutes.

1. 豬絞肉 - 250克
2. 雞湯 - 100毫升
3. 雞翅膀 - 1個
4. 水餃皮

1. 蔥薑水 - 25毫升
2. 糖 - 1/2湯匙
3. 麻油 - 1湯匙
4. 胡椒粉 - 1茶匙
5. 鹽 - 1茶匙

1. 把雞翅膀煎熟,加入雞湯,待雞湯滾後熄火備用
2. 把雞湯倒入容器後冷藏2小時成為雞湯凍
3. 豬絞肉加入調味攪拌至有黏性,備用
4. 把雞湯凍加入絞肉裡,攪拌均勻
5. 水餃皮桿成合適的薄度
6. 桿好的水餃皮上放入適當的絞肉,捏好封口
7. 烘培紙舖在碟上,小籠包放上
8. 大火蒸10分鐘即可

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