Spicy Shredded Chicken And Cucumber Salad | 麻辣黃瓜涼拌手撕雞

1. Chicken Breast (Sliced) - 250g
2. Cucumber - 1
3. Jellyfish
4. Fish ball
5. Green Onions

1. Chilli sauce - 2 tbsp
2. Minced garlic - 2 tsp
3. Minced ginger - 2 tsp
4. Sugar - 1 tbsp
5. Salt - 1/2 tbsp
6. Black pepper - 1/2 tbsp
7. Vinegar - 1 tbsp
8. Hua diao rice wine - 1tbsp
9. Sesame oil - 1 tbsp

1. Fill pot with water, place chicken breast in the pot, bring to boil, turn off the heat. Simmer for 5 minutes and run in cold water for 1 minute.
2. Slice cucumbers and fish ball horizontally, and then vertically until it’s shredded. Place aside.
3. Shred the chicken with your fingers.
4. In a bowl, mix up all the seasonings.
5. Mix up all ingredients as well.

1. 雞胸(切條) - 250克
2. 黃瓜 1條
3. 海蜇 - 適量
4. 魚丸 - 適量
5. 青蔥末 - 適量

1. 辣椒油 - 2湯匙
2. 蒜末 - 2茶匙
3. 薑末 - 2茶匙
4. 糖 - 1湯匙
5. 鹽 - 1/2湯匙
6. 黑胡椒 -  1/2湯匙
7. 醋 - 1湯匙
8. 花雕米酒 - 1湯匙
9. 麻油 - 1湯匙

1. 準備一個平底鍋,水剛好蓋過雞胸,煮至水滾後熄火燜5分鐘,放入冷水裡浸泡一分鐘
2. 把黃瓜和魚丸切條
3. 用手把雞肉拔成絲
4. 準備一個碗,把所有調味料拌勻
5. 最後把所有材料和調味料拌勻即可

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