Halloween Recipe: Monster Feet Meatloaf | 萬聖節食譜:怪獸腳丫美式烘肉餅

1. Ground beef - 500g
2. Bread crumbs - 40g
3. Milk - 50ml
4. Onion - 1
5. Egg - 1

1. Salt - 1tbsp
2. Black pepper - 1tbsp
3. Ketchup - 3tbsp
4. Bbq Sauce - Optional

1. Preheat oven to 180℃
2. Combine ground beef, bread crumbs, milk and seasoning in a bowl, stir until well blended. 
3. Shape meat mixture to large feet with toes.
4. Cut onion pieces for toenails and arrange.
5. Mix some barbecue sauce and ketchup and spread around the ankle. Cut a circular slice through the onion and place to look like sawed bone at the ankle.
6. Bake for 15 minutes, serve with mashed potato.

1. 牛絞肉 -500克
2. 麵包糠 - 40克
3. 牛奶 - 50毫升
4. 洋蔥 - 1顆
5. 雞蛋 - 1顆

1. 鹽 - 1湯匙
2. 黑胡椒 - 1湯匙
3. 蕃茄醬 - 3湯匙
4. 燒烤醬 - 依喜好

1. 烤模鋪上一層錫紙方便脫膜,烤箱預熱到180度
2. 洋蔥切碎,麵包糠,牛奶,洋蔥,雞蛋和所有調味料加入牛絞肉,用力攪拌均勻至有粘性
3. 肉餡慢慢塑形至腳的形狀
4. 洋蔥切小塊弄成腳甲
5. 洋蔥片切成1cm厚弄成骨頭,燒烤醬和番茄醬拌勻,塗抹在骨頭周圍

6. 放入烤箱烘烤15分鐘,配上薯泥即可開動

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