Halloween Recipe: Avocado and Wasabi Deviled Eggs | 萬聖節食譜:酪梨魔鬼蛋

1. Egg - 6 
2. Avocado -1 
3. Mayonaise - 2 tbsp
4. Food colouring

1. Wasabi - A Little
2. Black pepper - A Little
3. Salt - A little

1. Cover eggs with water, add vinegar and salt to the water to makes peeling eggs easier. Cover pot and bring to boil over high heat for 5 minutes.
2. Remove eggs, one at a time, cool down. Gently press and crack the shell gently.
3. Place cracked eggs in a bowl, cover eggs with water and add few drops of food colouring, then place in the refrigerator for 6 hours or up to overnight.
4. Peel the eggs and cut in half lengthwise. 
5. Scoop out the yolks and place in a bowl with seeded and peeled avocado. Mix until smooth together with wasabi, salt and black pepper.
6. Place avocado mix into a piping bag. Chill until ready to serve. 

1. 雞蛋 - 3
2. 酪梨 - 1
3. 美乃滋 - 2湯匙
4. 色素 

1. 日本芥末 - 適量
2. 黑胡椒 - 適量
3. 鹽 - 適量

1. 準備一個鍋子,加水蓋過雞蛋,加入少許醋和鹽好讓蛋殼容易剝開。水煮5分鐘至完全熟。
2. 雞蛋放涼,輕輕敲至有裂痕。
3. 把雞蛋放入碗裡,加水和幾滴色素,放入冰箱冰半小時或一晚。
4. 雞蛋剝殼切半。
5. 挖出蛋黃,酪梨去皮去籽,加入日本芥末,鹽和黑胡椒拌勻至幼滑。

6. 拌勻後放入擠花袋,冷藏備用。

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