Aligot The Gooey Cheese | 牽絲乳酪馬鈴薯泥

1. Potato - 1
2. Mozzarella Cheese - 100g
3. Butter 10g
4. Milk - 100ml

1. Salt - A little
2. Lemon pepper - A little
3. Black pepper - A little

1. Cover the potatoes with cold water in a large pot. Bring to a boil, salt the water, and cook until the potatoes are fork tender. Drain.
2. Melt butter, add mashed potato to the pot. Add milk,  seasoned with salt, lemon pepper and black pepper.
3. Add mozzarella cheese, stir until the mixture is just blended. 

1. 馬鈴薯 - 1顆
2. 乳酪 - 100克
3. 奶油 - 10克
4. 牛奶 - 100毫升

1. 鹽 - 少許
2. 檸檬胡椒粉 - 少許
3. 黑胡椒 - 少許

1. 馬鈴薯煮熟去皮撈起,壓碎成泥,備用。
2. 準備鍋子,把奶油融化,加入薯泥,倒入牛奶,以鹽,檸檬胡椒粉,黑胡椒粉調味。
3. 加入乳酪,攪拌至混合均勻。

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