Soft And Fluffy Steamed Minced Pork | 超绵密家常蒸肉饼

1. Minced pork - 500g
2. Salted egg yolk - 1
3. Green onion

1. Soy sauce - 2tbsp
2. Sesame oil - 1 tbsp
3. Shao xing wine - 2tbsp
4. Sugar - 1tsp
5. Pepper
6. Corn starch - 1 tbsp
7. Water - 100ml

1. Season minced pork with half of the soy sauce, sesame oil, corn starch, shoo xing wine, pepper, and a little bit of water. Stirring in one direction.
2. Marinate for 20 minutes.
3. Repeat step 1, add sugar.
4. Add water slowly until it has become light and fluffy.
5. Marinate for 20 minutes.
6. Transfer the meat to a bowl, add salted egg yolk on top.
7. Steam 20 minutes over high heat.

1. 豬肉碎 - 500g
2. 咸蛋黃 - 1顆
3. 青蔥 - 適量

1. 醬油 - 2湯匙
2. 麻油 - 1湯匙
3. 紹興酒 - 2湯匙
4. 糖 - 1小匙
5. 胡椒粉 - 適量
6. 玉米粉 - 1湯匙
6. 水 - 100ml

1. 把一半分量的醬油,麻油,玉米粉,紹興酒,胡椒粉和少許水加入肉碎裡同一方向拌勻。
2. 腌制20分鐘。
3. 重復第一個步驟,然后加入糖拌勻。
4. 把剩下的水慢慢加入肉碎裡直到攪拌時感覺肉的質感變輕。
5. 腌制20分鐘。
6. 準備一個比較深的碗,先搽油在碗內,把肉碎放在碗中,堆成一個小山丘,再把蛋黃放在肉上。
7. 大火蒸20分鐘。

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