Mashed Potato Stuffed Chicken Wings | 培根薯泥釀雞翅膀

1. Chicken wing s - 6
2. Boiled potato - 1
3. Cooked minced bacon
4. Corn Kernel

1. BBQ sauce - 2 tbsp
2. Lemon and pepper - 2 tsp
3. Paprika - 2 tsp
4. Salt - 2 tsp
5. Butter - 1 tbsp

1. Remove chicken wing bones. Just find the end with the protruding cartilage and tear it off. Now, the bones should be a bit loose. Next, wiggle the smaller bone holding the opposite end firmly and it'll pull out, void of any flesh. Then do the same for the remaining bone, until all you're left with is 100% chicken wing meat.
2. Marinate with BBQ sauce, paprika, salt, lemon and pepper for at least 1 hour.
3. Mash the potatoes.
4. Mix in bacon, minced bacon, corn and salt.
5. Stuff mashed potato in chicken wings and use toothpick to “cloesed”the wing.
6. Fry chicken wings in hot oil, turning regularly, until all browned on all sides and no longer pink at the bone. About 10 minutes.

1.雞翅膀 - 6
2. 馬鈴薯 - 1
3. 培根
4. 玉米粒

1.燒烤醬 - 2湯匙
2. 檸檬黑胡椒 - 2茶匙
3. 甜椒粉 - 2茶匙
4. 鹽 - 2茶匙
5. 奶油 - 1湯匙

1. 雞翅膀用剪刀沿著骨小心把黏著的肉慢慢剪開,然後將骨頭擰斷
2. 用燒烤醬,甜椒粉,鹽,檸檬和胡椒粉醃製至少1個小時
3. 馬鈴薯蒸軟,壓成泥
4. 加入奶油,培根,玉米粒和鹽攪拌均勻
5. 把馬鈴薯泥釀入雞翅膀內,再用牙籤封口
6. 把雞翅膀炸至金黃即可

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