Char Siu Salted Egg Chicken Roll | 叉燒鹹蛋黃雞捲


1. Boneless chicken drumstick - 1
2. Salted egg yolk - 4
3. Green onion - 1 stalk
4. Ginger - 4 slices

1. Char siu sauce - 2 tbsp
2. Oyster sauce - 1 tbsp
3. Sesame oil - 1 tsp
4. Pepper 
5. Water

1. Marinate chicken drumstick with char siu sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, pepper, green onion and ginger slices for 2 hours.
2. Steam salted egg yolk and mash finely. Lay it on plastic wrap, roll up as tightly as you can. Set aside. 
3. Flatten chicken with the back of kitchen knife. 
4. Lay chicken on on the aluminium foil (Chicken skin facing down), put salted egg yolk roll on top, roll up as tightly as you can.
5. Using butchers twine, tightly secure chicken roll.
6. Steam chicken roll for 10 minutes with high heat.
7. Add some water to char siu sauce, spread evenly on chicken roll. Preheat the oven to 200˚C, bake for 5 minutes. 

1. 去骨鸡腿 - 一只
2. 咸蛋黄 - 4颗
3. 蔥 - 1根
4. 姜 - 4片

1. 叉烧酱 - 2汤匙
2. 蚝油 - 1汤匙
3. 麻油 - 1茶匙
4. 胡椒粉 - 少许
5. 水 - 适量

1. 去骨鸡腿用叉烧酱,蚝油,麻油,和胡椒粉均匀涂抹,加上葱段和姜片腌制2小时。
2. 咸蛋黄蒸熟压碎,将保鲜膜铺在桌面上,咸蛋黄碎放在中间,掀起保鲜膜的一边,边卷边慢慢将咸蛋黄向中间聚拢,抓住两端的保鲜膜,在桌面上反复滚动至紧实,打上结备用。
3. 鸡腿用刀背敲松。
4. 将锡纸铺在桌面上,鸡皮朝下放置,然后放上咸蛋卷,掀起保鲜膜卷至紧实。
5. 卷好后用棉绳绕圈绑紧。
6. 放在蒸锅中大火蒸10分钟。
7. 叉烧酱加少许水稀释涂在肉卷上,放进烤箱烤5分钟。取出放凉。

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