Japanese Chashu Pork Belly | 日式叉燒

Pork belly 750g
Green Onion - 3 stalks
Red onion - 4
Ginger - 4 slices
Garlic - 8
Japanese soy sauce - 200ml
Rice wine - 100ml
Rock sugar - 25g
Water - 1200ml

1. Lay pork belly on cutting board roll up as tightly as you can, wrap in plastic wrap and store in freezer until it gets hard.
2. Using butchers twine, tightly secure pork belly.
3. Stir fry some green onion, garlic and ginger until fragrant, add 50ml soy sauce and rock sugar bring to boil, once the liquid has reduced, place the pork belly in the sauce, turning the meat for equal brown colour.
4. In a separate pot, heat up soy sauce, add green onion, red onion garlic, ginger, rock sugar, water and pork belly.
5. Occasionally turning the meat over and spooning sauce over the meat for equal distribution of flavour. 
6. Braised around 2 1/2 hour until pork tender.
7. Shut off the heat and set pot aside letting the pork belly cool in the marinade. Store in refrigerator until ready to use.
8. Slice up the char siu and heat over low heat before serving. Enjoy!

五花肉 750g
蔥 3根
薑片 4-5片
蒜 12-15瓣
醬油 200ml
米酒 100ml
冰糖 25g
水 1200ml

1. 先用保鮮膜把豬肉像捲壽司一樣先捲起來放進冷凍,盡量包緊一些,待豬肉定型後就很好綁了
2. 準備棉繩把肉慢慢繞圈綁緊
3. 燒熱油鍋,放入少許蔥薑蒜炒出香氣,然後加入少許醬油和冰糖,醬汁開始濃稠的時候放入豬肉稍微煎熟上色
4. 準備另外一個鍋子,加入醬油,蔥,薑,蒜,紅蔥頭,冰糖,水和豬肉滿火燉煮大約2 1/2小時
5. 燉煮期間不斷翻面讓豬肉的顏色和味道均勻
7. 2 1/2小時熄火,泡在醬汁裡放涼