Sushi Donuts With Salmon | 壽司甜甜圈

1. Sushi rice
2. Cucumber
3. Raw salmon
4. Fried egg - thinly slice
5. Mayonnaise
6. Furikake Seasoning
7. Shichimi Togarashi
8. Dried bonito flakes

1. Place cooked Japanese rice in a bowl. Add Sushi vinegar while the rice is hot and slice through rice using a rice paddle to separate the grains.
2. Place the sushi rice and press down flat. Then place salmon and rice after and flatten as well. Turn the flower mould upside down onto a plate to remove the rice.
3. Slice cucumber to thin slice, roll up and make flower. 
4. Top with cucumber flower, egg, dried bonito flakes, seasoned with furikake seasoning and shichimi togarashi. 

1. 壽司飯
2. 青瓜
3. 生鮭魚片
4. 蛋絲
5. 美乃滋
6. 青海苔芝麻碎
7. 七味唐辛子
8. 柴魚片

1. 準備壽司飯 (米煮熟後趁熱加入壽司醋,拌勻即可)
2. 由於沒有甜甜圈模具,我準備了一大一小的花型模具,把飯鋪上壓緊,中間加入自己喜歡的食材,最後再鋪上一層飯壓平至緊實
3. 把青瓜切成薄片,捲成花的形狀
4. 最後依喜好以青瓜捲,蛋絲,柴魚片,青海苔芝麻碎和七味唐辛子裝飾調味

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