Salmon chazuke お茶漬け | 日式三文鱼茶泡饭

1. Salmon fillet - Half
2. Cooked rice - 1 bowl
3. Shimaya konbu dashi - 1
4. Sencha green tea bag - 1
5. Egg - 1
6. Water - 600ml
7. Japanese soy sauce - 2tsp
8. Green onion 
9. Black pepper
10. Shredded nori (seaweed)
11. Oil
12. Wasabi

1. Season the salmon with Japanese soy sauce and black pepper. Leave for 20 minutes.
2. Add 600ml water with dashi powder and bring to boil. Allow green tea bag to steep in the hot water for 3-5 minutes.
3. Fried salmon 5-6 minutes until slightly brown. Remove skin and bones and break up the flesh into flakes. 
4. Lightly oil a pan and add egg to make a thin layer, flipping about midway then loosely roll the egg crepes individually to cut into strips.
5. Place the rice in a large bowl and sprinkle salmon flakes over the rice. Add egg, shredded nori, green onion. if you wish, a dab of wasabi.
6. Pour tea broth over rice. Add a little soy sauce if you want.

1. 三文魚 半塊
2. 米飯 - 1碗
3. 鲣鱼昆布高汤粉 - 1
4. 煎茶茶包 - 1
5. 蛋 - 1
6. 水 - 600ml
7. 日本醬油 - 2茶匙
8. 青蔥 - 適量
9. 黑胡椒 - 適量
10. 海苔絲 - 適量
11. 油 - 適量
12. 芥末 - 適量

1. 三文魚兩面都均勻抹上日本醬油和黑胡椒。醃大概20分鐘。
2. 鲣鱼昆布高汤粉加上600ml清水煮滾。過後加入茶包泡3-5分鐘。
3. 用紙巾抹乾醃好的三文魚。鍋裡加入少許油,把三文魚煎大概5-6分鐘至金黃。取出後用叉子把魚片弄碎。
4. 把雞蛋均勻打散,鍋裡加入少許油把雞蛋倒入把鍋子轉一圈形成蛋皮。煎好後捲成蛋捲切絲。

5. 把米飯放入碗裡,把三文魚碎,蛋絲,海苔絲,青蔥放入。倒入茶水,再根據個人口味放適量的芥末。

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