How To Make Cheese & Egg Kimchi Fried Rice | 韓國泡菜芝士蛋漿炒飯

Ingredient (Serves 1): 
1. Rice - 1 serving
2. Kimchi - 40g
3. Ham
4. Crabsticks
5. Corn
6. Scallion

1. Korea chilli paste - 1 tbsp
2. Seaweed
3. Sesame oil
4. Salt

Cheese & egg
1. Mozzarella cheese - 25g
2. Milk - 160ml 
3. Egg - 2

1. Chop kimchi and set aside. 
2. Beat 2 eggs. Add milk and salt, mix well.
3. Heat some oil into the pan, stir fried ham, crab stick and kimchi.
4. Add rice and chilli paste, stir-fry until everything is well combined.
5. Lastly, add corn, scallion and seaweed.
6. Prepare a clay pot, heat some oil and add fried rice.
7. Pour egg mixture beside the fried rice and add lots of cheese on top.
8. Cook until cheese melted and you are done!

1. 飯 1人份
2. 泡菜 40克
3. 火腿片 適量
4. 玉米粒 適量
5. 蟹柳 適量
6. 青蔥 適量

1. 韓國辣醬 1湯匙
2. 麻油 適量
3. 鹽 適量
4. 紫菜絲

1. 水牛芝士 25克
2. 牛奶 160毫升
3. 蛋 2顆

1. 泡菜切碎備用
2. 雞蛋加入牛奶和鹽攪拌均勻
3. 燒熱油鍋,加入火腿片,蟹柳和泡菜拌炒
4. 加入米飯,韓國辣醬繼續拌炒
5. 然後撒上青蔥,玉米粒和紫菜絲
6. 最後加入鹽巴和麻油調味
7. 準備一個瓦煲,倒入少許油,加入剛炒好的飯,盡量把飯堆成小山讓旁邊有多餘的空間
8. 把蛋液倒入飯旁邊,然後加入大量芝士碎
9. 當芝士都融化後就可以上桌啦!

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